TMI Tuesday: The “No, It’s not my birthday” one.

You say it’s your birthday

 (Birthday TMI questions suggested by Heelsnstocking)

1. What star sign are you?

Scorpio *watches everyone run for cover*

2. Do you believe in horoscopes?

No, I can not be defined into a neat 12th of the population, I am far to bolshie 😉

3. When is your birthday?


4. What’s the worst birthday gift a partner has given you?

A stuffed rabbit (Don’t tell him I told you that!)

5. Are you organised when it comes to other people’s birthdays?

Once upon a time yes, I used to buy all the cards in January for the entire year, these days, no in fact I frequently miss them.

6. How do you normally celebrate your birthday?

It used to be a tradition of mine to go shopping with my Mum, I’d always have the day off work and we would get sloshed in a pub at lunch time. In recent years I plot a few hours of #metime and just go and hide out somewhere quiet. Life gets noisy y’know. 

7. If you could be one age again what would it be? Why?

26, it was a great age, truely excellent year…

8. What would be your ideal birthday treat?

I’d like a birthday BBQ… So hotish weather and a beach. It sounds simple and it is, except I’m British and November doesn’t tend to feature beach weather.

Bonus:  Tell us your best birthday memory?

We went and bought my little cat. she was a tiny bundle of mischief, so adorable.

Bonus, Bonus:  May we see you in your birthday suit? (post a photo)

Er… No, you mayn’t… It would crash the server 😉


How to play TMI Tuesday:
Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog).
Answer the questions there, then leave a comment on the TMI Tuesday Blog post for today, so we’ll all know where to read your responses.

Posted on June 19, 2012, in TMI and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Your answer to #6 sounds wonderful and very satisfying. Taking a day off work, going shopping and to the pub sounds excellent, but a few hours of “me time” sounds wonderful as well. It’s been ages since I’ve had a few hours to myself. Maybe that’s what I’ll ask for for my birthday.

    • Precious moments… being with them and having head space. It’s a balance thing. If I remember rightly your little one is still quiet small. My second starts school in September *dramatic air punch* 😀

  2. thelatephoenix

    bolshie, love that word. oooooooh, kitty, i love kitties, little cats, they are my life. i say we risk the server crashing…

    stuffed rabbit

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