Sinful Sunday?

I watch the links go up on twitter for Molly’s sinful Sunday and often click a link or two. Joining in is just not for me but this week, this picture of my pussy, well two of them actually, made me giggle like an idiot 🙂


TMI Tuesday; Summer, summer, summer time! #allegedly

Good Ol’ Summertime

TMI Tuesday questions submitted by Andee.

1. Summer is a time to escape, kick back and chill. What is your favourite way to relax when the warm weather hits?

To get cool… I spend a lot of the summer in my garden but there is nothing as relaxing or chilling as an ice cold glass dildo #justsaying

2. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theatre? My first date was to a drive-in movie, what is your best memory of these classic outdoor theatres?

Nooo I’ve never been! We don’t have many of these in blighty 😦

3. Have you ever had a summer fling? How did it develop and why did it end?

I met a guy on holiday at 14, our holidays co-incided for 2 or 3 years, we kept in touch, still are.

4. Board shorts and bikinis leave something to the imagination, but have you ever tried a nude beach?

Yes…. I just wrote about it!

5. What are your thoughts on the Speedo and the Wicked Weasel?

Speedo, Wicked Weasel bikini and mesh one-piece.

Fine if you look like they do!!

6. The warm weather is a great opportunity to “get busy” outdoors? Have you ever? Tell us about it.

I like gardening very much, lunch outside is always lovely… Wait, you don’t mean that do you 😉

Under the kids trapoline is fun. Camping, out in the woods… yes, I like a bit of ‘busy’ outdoors!

7. Sunrise or sunset? Which is your summer favourite?


8. What is the one summer delight that really quenches your thirst? How about your lust?

Gotta love a jug of Pimms! Erm… going back to that ice cold glass dildo…

Bonus:  Summer is the time to participate in outdoor activities. Where would you most like to have sex : – on the beach? – at a picnic? – camping?

I’ll opt for camping, it’s as close to public as I’m ever going to get.


How to play TMI Tuesday:

Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog).

Answer the questions there, then leave a comment on the TMI Tuesday Blog post for today, so we’ll all know where to read your responses.


I like naked.

Naked feels good, clothes feel wrong. They confine me. I like to feel a breeze brush over my skin, my body to move unfettered. Apparently there is a label for people like me, it’s Naturist. I do love feeling closer to nature. So I’m ruling out the possibility I might be (like Urban Dictionary suggests) a pretentious Nudist 😉

Following on from my last post you would be forgiven for being confused. There seems to be a conception out there that naturist are exhibitionist. Right or wrong, I couldn’t say. I’ve not been able to be naked in public since I was about 9 on a beach in France, apart from the changing rooms in the sports centre, I’d like to try again.

I don’t have a local ‘Naturist’ spot or spa around here, the nearest one appears to be just over an hour away and I have seen it said that it’s full of ‘clothes’ out for a leer *shudders*. I’d like to find an isolated spot, in a forest somewhere secluded and fling my clothes off, caution and skin to the wind. The thought of someone finding me like that, alone,  scares seven bells out of me!

It’s just not to be is it…

So I will continue to wear as little clothing as I can outside my home. Walk through the door, strip off…

TMI Tuesday: The “No, It’s not my birthday” one.

You say it’s your birthday

 (Birthday TMI questions suggested by Heelsnstocking)

1. What star sign are you?

Scorpio *watches everyone run for cover*

2. Do you believe in horoscopes?

No, I can not be defined into a neat 12th of the population, I am far to bolshie 😉

3. When is your birthday?


4. What’s the worst birthday gift a partner has given you?

A stuffed rabbit (Don’t tell him I told you that!)

5. Are you organised when it comes to other people’s birthdays?

Once upon a time yes, I used to buy all the cards in January for the entire year, these days, no in fact I frequently miss them.

6. How do you normally celebrate your birthday?

It used to be a tradition of mine to go shopping with my Mum, I’d always have the day off work and we would get sloshed in a pub at lunch time. In recent years I plot a few hours of #metime and just go and hide out somewhere quiet. Life gets noisy y’know. 

7. If you could be one age again what would it be? Why?

26, it was a great age, truely excellent year…

8. What would be your ideal birthday treat?

I’d like a birthday BBQ… So hotish weather and a beach. It sounds simple and it is, except I’m British and November doesn’t tend to feature beach weather.

Bonus:  Tell us your best birthday memory?

We went and bought my little cat. she was a tiny bundle of mischief, so adorable.

Bonus, Bonus:  May we see you in your birthday suit? (post a photo)

Er… No, you mayn’t… It would crash the server 😉


How to play TMI Tuesday:
Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog).
Answer the questions there, then leave a comment on the TMI Tuesday Blog post for today, so we’ll all know where to read your responses.

Visual requirement?

Those who have been here before will know I have an inbuilt resistance towards posting pictures of myself. Anywhere. It’s not because I think I’m ugly, misshapen or unattractive. I think it’s just because I’m the opposite of an exhibitionist, whatever that might be. I’m not an inhibitionist, I don’t think I have hang up or are inhibited as such. I’m uncomfortable posting my picture and, yes I like my words to stand for themselves (yay! Venusian reference!) without my physical attributes accredited to my sentiment. It’s about judgement isn’t it? Yes, to a degree.

What would you say to a 90 year old discussing her vagina? Or a 17 year old musing that she has had a fair amount of experience sexually. It’s a bit weird to say the least? Without a picture in your head to attribute my thoughts to, you can choose your own picture to place me in, is this not better? I’m sure any image you find pleasing is far better then the reality.

I greatly resist looking at those glossy covers on novels, turn them over an there’s often a picture of the author. Their picture takes something away from their writing, I’m not sure how but I can see them creating the fiction, their brow furrowed in thought as the images flow. Somehow that lessens my visualisation of their work.

If I want you to read what I’m saying from the standpoint of just reading my words and the images they bring forth in your imagination, does knowing what I look like alter your perception? Or is the desire to picture me heightened by the experience of reading what I write?

This comes down to my inner desire to be seen for the thoughts beyond the flesh, a thinking, sexual woman, no other tags need apply. Age, skin colour, the look in my eye, the twist of my mouth, it’s immaterial to what I’m trying to convey. I think I feel the need to be a sentient being, seen through my words rather than posting pictures of my intimate parts is due to not wanting to distract from who I am. In this place, I’m not trappede by my body, my mind soars. It’s a personal thing.

I know other bloggers with an exhibitionist streak post words and pictures to incredible effect, stirring readers beyond anything I could ever achieve. I’m even a little jealous of the gratification they reap from this. It must feel incredible. Like with so many things though, I have to admit to myself, this is not for me. I’ve pushed my boundaries on this in the past, here on this blog and I can’t say I’m happy, even with these tame images being present.

I did scan through tumblr thinking about putting a picture on this post as I so often do… It seemed wrong given the subject matter.

Moving On.

I’m in a strange space. My head is empty, my heart is heavy. I feel like a vast mass of nothingness stretching out to eternity. I am a created masterpiece and yet a blank canvas.

It seems ironic that my friends have on occasions expressed an opinion that I am wise. I apparently offer wisdom and encourage thought. One wishes this would bring comfort to ones self. It doesn’t, it’s just a tease at my inability to know what I should do to feel better, to feel complete.  I’ve been trying to think what I would say to someone else feeling similar; The conclusion was I would tell them to Write; to discover, to explore, to express. I write, it’s what I do beyond being a Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter. When people ask me what I ‘do’ I have to bite back the response ‘I’m a writer’ and answer ‘I’m a mother’. Perhaps it’s this denial that makes me feel a lack of foundation, sadly it’s this world that makes it so, because of what I choose to write.

So amongst reasons in deciding to start writing here again is the need for self-expression. I am a sexual woman, I think about sex more than the average man, although perhaps not the physical mechanics, more the emotional/mental semantics of it all. When I started writing here it was a release, I enjoyed the bright colour and thrill it brought to my life.  I miss that. I no longer have the shroud of anonimity but those that now know who I am can be trusted. I am grasping to the hope that this will allow me free reign with my train of thought. I don’t know, I’m a very private person.

A lot of this blog is humorous, I have really enjoyed re reading it, is it wrong to laugh at the way I see the world? Perhaps. I like to laugh, it can make or break a day. But I’m in a different place now than last May, a different place from February too… I don’t know how this is going to go.

So, my plans for this tiny corner of the interwebs? I need a space to vent and muse, shout, cry, get horny, lustful, naughty and sometimes just write. Stay, read, enjoy or not… If not, move on.

I encourage others to express themselves too but people often feel trepidicious about writing a blog or admitting to feeling sexual needs, so I’m offering a page to anyone who wants to muse on moonbeams, scribble fiction or vent, paint pictures, take photos… They can find a home here.  (at my discretion).

Lets go…


– – ~ * ~ – –

To start at the begining of my journey on this blog, click here.

*Tap Tap* Erm… Hello?

Anyone still out there?


I think I might come back…

What do you think?


So here we are, D day… The end of a little era.

I know many many people get all attention seeking with social media and the “hey! look at me, I’m going to delete my account and I would like you to now plead with me to stay!!” I’ve seen it too many times and it’s boring… You want to go, go… you want to stay, stay… Sort it. So yeah, I’m not that type. All I know is I don’t want to stay, not as EroticMoonbeam anyway, it’s been a laugh I can’t deny it but circumstances recently have made me realise that in all seriousness I can’t do it any more. I may be smutty, rude and open but I’m not a sex blogger, I don’t want to be reading the details of peoples sex life on my time line, I don’t want to share the intimate details of my sex life with strangers or be made to feel like I should, I’ve had enough of people telling me what I should enjoy when I know myself well enough to say it’s not for me.

I just want to write my smut (or even non smutty stuff!) and this feeling has been with me a while and it ain’t changing, it’s just *does arty farty arm wavey moment* clouding my creativity man!

Anyone who knows me will also know I’m a twitter addict, I’ve not gone, just evolved, twitter is a tool not a controller, it is for me to enjoy not want to avoid.

I’ve met some bloody lovely people through this blog and it’s twitter, coerced some of my vanilla side friends to take a foray into the naughty side, tumblr’ed myself silly and attended the wedding of two of the loveliest twitter people in the world – good times 🙂 Yet this move feels right and natural and I need to do it today…

So it’s so long and thanks for all the fish twitter/bloggy love…


– – ~ * ~ – –

To start at the begining of my journey on this blog, click here.

I’m open, not easy…

Some one called me inspirational…. I’m still speechless… *cough* yes, not likely I know… Usually I find my little ranty blog posts are inspired by others, something someone says will niggle away at my busy brain until it forms itself into something verging on coherent and requesting to be written.  This happened again this week.   I was immensely enjoying having a lovely telephone conversation with a fellow blogger, setting the world to rights etc, when something she said hit a large red and yellow bullseye in my brain. “I’m open, not easy.”

I ramble on about sex and it’s different aspects, I will express my opinion very clearly on sexual matters with practically anyone who wants to hear them via the internet, obviously I keep a tighter lid on what I think with people in my every day life, mostly people are not open, not able to admit to having a sexual nature so it’s best to keep quite, but on line, especially twitter, like finds like and openness is usually taken with the transparency and honesty with which it’s meant.  Sometimes people read my openness as something else and this does annoy me (although I understand why they might be misguided).

I’m open, not easy… I have desires, I like sex, I thrive on physical contact. Do I want to fuck you? No, I can safely say that unless I’ve actually told you to the contrary, I don’t. I’m happily married and regularly ‘serviced’ thanks all the same, I don’t need any help on that score. Just because I like to talk about sex doesn’t mean I’m swinging or having multi partners. So yeah, perhaps I muse about this fantasy or that but when you have something good going, why wreck it…

The blogesphere is full of bloggers who do tell you the intimate details of their sex lives and it makes very interesting reading, I know, I read a few of them and perhaps I’m living vicariously through their exploits. That’s my choice isn’t it? The same needs to apply to what I blog about and it occurs to me that I may have lost my way a little here. Everyone seems to be doing the “Last night I…” and I read these posts and wonder if that is what I should be doing to… only I know I can’t, it’s not me… That is what has spurned on all the jokes about not being a sex blogger.  You want that, you are in the wrong place, I need to do what I do which is mainly trying to make sense of this very strange and uptight little world we live in.

I’ve been a little bit cheesed off recently by a few commentors who appear to be implying that my life is less that it should be, their way is better, perhaps it is, but I am the navigator of my own life and I choose to live it the way I am. Whislt offers of a sexual nature might be appealing and flattering, as I’ve said from the beginning of this blog, it’s not an invitation I’m prepared to take.  You may get the impression I’m headstrong, the answer to that is only when I need to be and I will continue to live life as I see fit, being open, not easy.

Almost Spring…

There has been a lot of spring cleaning going on here, I’ve been busy in the house being domesticated and I have a few projects in the burner that need my attention, that and the feeling like I’m being criticized for my own opinions and how I like to live my life on my own blog led me to wondering if I’ve had enough of this persona… I almost hit the delete button again this week, those of you following me on twitter may have seen my rant. Yes, I know, I keep going through this but usually it’s due to protecting the people I love, this time it was out of sheer exhaustion.

I know what you are going to say Haters gonna hate, just ignore them… and so I shall, for a while at least.  I gave myself a few days off, knowing this blog was shut down and there was no need to check it gave me a breathing space for a couple of days.  Thank you to those of you who noticed and requested access, I appreciate that…

I have a couple of posts coming up this month that I have promised to write and so I shall.

After that? Lets take one day at a time…